sábado, 29 de agosto de 2009

I was broken. It was all dark, and it had no light in nowhere. I was tired and lost. There was only one reason why I awoke from the nightmare. It was when you came. The lights came with you. And I knew I was free. Your arms were the only thing I could see. And nothing else mattered. You filled the emptiness inside my chest. There wasn't darkness anymore. It was just you and me.

Por Michele Penteado.
© direitos reservados a autora

3 comentários:

Carol :) disse...

muiiito legal !
a frase ficou linda, e me fez lembrar uma coisa que já passei :~)
amei muito ! beijo.

Carol :) disse...

ps: eu não falei qual frase eu amei¬¬
foi a "The lights came with you". é linda *_*

Michele disse...

obrigada, Carol!
Fico muito feliz que você tenha gostado.
A frase é linda mesmo, me identifico com ela também ^^
Beijão, Carol!

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